Help & FAQ

Shipping and payment information?

After your payment is verified, it takes up to 24 hours to process and ship your order. This does not include weekends or holidays. Purchases made after 11 am PST will not be shipped out until the next business day. If you order after 11 am PST on a Friday, your order will likely be shipped out on the following Monday.

Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes, which are levied once a shipment reaches your country. The general amount for the duties and taxes fee is about 20% of the dollar amount of the merchandise. However, this is just a general guideline and may vary depending on the country to which the order was shipped. You should contact your customs office for specific amounts and percentages. MVMT cannot control and is not responsible for any duties/taxes applied to your package. You will be responsible for paying additional charges for customs clearance. Customs policies vary widely from country to country; please contact your local customs office for further information. Note, in rare occasions custom agents may delay delivery of some packages.


If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us immediately. Once our warehouse has processed your order, we will be unable to make any changes.

"Unfulfilled" just means that we successfully received your order! Once your order is shipped, you'll receive a tracking number and your order status will change to "Fulfilled."

"If your order was unexpectedly cancelled, chances are that our fraud filter marked your order as fraudulent. If you are certain that that is not true, please order again with a Paypal account. If you do not have Paypal, you can easily sign up at"


While we appreciate that you want to be a reseller of MVMT, we do not currently have any reseller or wholesale program. Please email us at and we may get back to you when we decide to go down that path!

During sale periods, discounts will not apply to Kolder Edition products, Automatic watches and already marked down products.